Finding the Perfect Pair of Goggles

You’re probably here because you have no idea what type of goggles to get for your little one. Or maybe you have an advanced swimmer who’s making their way into middle school or high school and you need to find the right pair of goggles that fit them. OR it’s summertime and the sun is shining and you need to find the perfect pair to make sure the sun doesn’t get into your eyes while you’re swimming backstroke or just having a little fun in the sun.

Whichever situation you are in, just know you have come to the right place! There are many different types of swim goggles for all different types of swimming. Here, I will introduce you to them.

4 things to search for when buying a pair of goggles for your kids:

Click here to jump straight into a topic:

Goggles For Children Under 8

For Kids Who Refuse To Wear Goggles

Goggles For 10 & up

It’s Summertime And I Need Tinted Goggles

Goggles for children under 8:

This depends on what kind of swimmer your child is. Are they comfortable/scared of putting their face in the water? Do they hate the way goggles feel on their face and immediately take them off? Or do they not notice the difference if they’re on or off?

These are questions you should ask your kids if you’re ever at the pool with them recreationally. If you notice they aren’t wearing goggles but put their face in, ask them if they want a pair. If they say no, ask them why. If you notice that you just put their goggles over their eyes but they immediately rip them off, ask them why they did that. If they’re too tight, try loosening them and try again. If they pull them off again, there may be another underlying issue/discomfort. 

Asking them how they fit or why they keep taking their goggles off can help you narrow down which ones are the perfect pair for them. And if your child has no issues keeping their goggles on while putting their face in the water, you are all set and ready to go.

Goggles For Children Under 8:

For Kids Who Refuse to Wear Goggles And Absolutely Hate Them: 

This is the trickiest group of kids to find the right pair of goggles for. They mostly refuse because they know the next thing you’re going to want them to do is to put their head in the water which they fear even more than the goggles themselves. Another reason they hate goggles so much is that they can be constricting around the eyes and it makes them feel like they can’t see.

This is why you want to look for a pair that has a larger frame around the eyes but are not too big that they cover the nose. A very vital part of getting your child acclimated to the water is making sure they are comfortable placing their nose underwater. Once you have found the right goggles, the next step is to get them comfortable wearing them.

The trick is to not have the kid associate the pair of goggles with water at first. To get them used to the goggles, make it fun, by having them wear the goggles around the house. They’ll want to show them off, which you should definitely encourage as this will build up their confidence, and they’ll feel more inclined to wear them. 

Next, encourage your child to wear the goggles in the bathtub so they can get used to the pair in a place where they feel comfortable. Have them play with bath toys while keeping their goggles on and then try getting them to put their eyes under the water. You can also pair this with blowing bubbles since they most likely have discomfort putting their nose underwater.

Find the best pair for kids who refuse to wear goggles here:

girl wearing goggles in bathtub


Goggles for Kids who are 10 & Up

At this age and beyond, your child should pretty much be comfortable in a normal pair of goggles. If not, then I would go read Goggles for Children Under 8 and proceed from there. 

This age group would be fine with a classic framed pair that are either tinted or not. There’s a wide range of goggles they can choose from but you never want your goggles to get too complicated. 

Before buying, make sure you look out for features such as adjustable nose pieces, fog resistance, double strap, and easily adjustable. These are the most important features you should look out for when purchasing a pair of goggles. 

Trust me, it makes all the difference.

Click here for Goggles for Kids who are 10 & Up

It’s Summertime and I need Tinted Goggles!

Ahh, the sun has finally come out and it’s a beautiful day to go swimming. But wait - you don’t have goggles that will keep the sun out of your eyes!! Have no fear, you have come to the right place. 

The great thing about swim goggles is there’s always a wide range of colors and tints to choose from when purchasing a pair for either yourself or your child. 

You can check for different colors and tints on Goggles For Children Under 8 and For Kids Who Refuse To Wear Goggles if your child feels most comfortable wearing a certain pair and doesn’t want to switch, or you can check out Tinted Goggles for Kids Who Refuse to Wear Goggles for more tinted eyewear options. Either way, you’ll find some great pairs they’ll love and feel comfortable with while keeping the sun out of their eyes!

Check out Tinted Goggles For Kids 10 & Up. Most goggles always have a matching sibling pair that have a tinted lens. 

One last thing...

If this is your first time ever purchasing a pair of goggles for yourself or your child, it may take you a couple of tries on which ones work and which ones don't.

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to how goggles should fit on their face. 

I suggest purchasing different pairs of goggles before sticking to one forever. If you do this, I guarantee you will find your perfect goggle match for life 🙂

If you have any questions about products or what to buy, please feel free to reach out to me! 

If you also have goggles you think I should add to my lists, let me know! I love learning about different products that work for others! 🙂

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