Swim Advice

What to do if my child hates wearing goggles?

Navigating the challenge of getting kids to wear goggles can be tricky. Explore three ways to ensure your little swimmer never takes them off! 1. Get them to wear goggles around the house. 2. Let them choose their own pair, making it a fashion statement. 3. Encourage them to use the goggles in the bathtub to boost confidence before hitting the pool.

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Should I Be Present In My Child’s Swim Lesson?

As a parent, it’s natural to feel anxious about your child’s first swim lesson. The thought of leaving them alone with a new instructor can be daunting, and you may worry that they’ll feel abandoned. However, it’s important to remember that being present during your child’s swim lesson can actually hinder their progress. In many

Should I Be Present In My Child’s Swim Lesson? Read More »

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